Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | person | poster | sky OCR: The Franklin River MILIHM ATER ADV ENTIIRE IN TASM ANIA The island of Tas mania A ustralia smallest state off its sou theast coast boasts wild landsca ape of lust virgin rain forests and dramat- ic granite coastlines Along the wes tern coa st, winter snow and summer rain feed ful torrents that surge between deep gorges and carve their way across the land Arguably the most untamed and mag nificent of all is the Franklin Riv perhaps ustralia wildest whitewater run Considered one of the je wels >f interna tional white water raf ting the Franklin wa almost lost hydroelectric sche eme the ear 1980s Fortunatel ca impai ign tc save the river and preserve i1 for future genera tions suc cee ded Now the Franklin runs Ife cognized as MILIHA DVENTURE wooded landscape lush wintet Considerec inter klin ...